Going Furthr Together

Right now, could you confidently pitch your business plan to a team of investors? 

By the end of Go Furthr, you’ll be able to say yes, absolutely.  Stop worrying about what investors may or may not expect of you, or how to best convey the information they need. Thanks to Go Furthr, more than 80% of our ambitious founders have gone on to secure seed-round funding. Go Furthr is tailor-made for you, and it will leave you feeling more confident in pitching your business than ever before.

Go Furthr is our pro bono 20+ hour consultation at our business centre for Irish innovation.  Go Furthr is specially designed to get your business investor-ready.  Your experienced consultant will work with you one-on-one to help solidify your business idea into an actionable business plan

Whether you need assistance with assessing your target market, building a viable business strategy, writing your business plan, or perfecting your pitch deck, Go Furthr enables you to stand before investors with confidence knowing that you’ve been given every advantage to secure investment.

Start-ups Go Free

Thanks to supporting investors and government organisations, Furthr is able offer it’s 1 to 1 consultancy service without charge.


Expert Consultation


Your Target Market


Your Financial Model


Business Plan

Pitch Deck

Development for Investors

Pitch Prep

With Investor Run-throughs



We can help you if...

Our Impact In Numbers

start-ups helped secure funding
400 +
of Furthr companies survive their critical first five years
59 %
hours of pro bono consulting
55000 +
worth of funding raised with our help
330 m+

Furthr delivers a range of programmes and workshops on behalf of Enterprise Ireland & Skillnet Ireland

Go Furthr Alumni

An award-winning start-up that supports fertility through research-based product development
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An Irish e-scooter sharing company currently operating in Ireland, the UK, and Poland.
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An innovative digital health software company that leverages technology to support hospital-at-home and self-management care models.
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What's The Catch?

You may have noticed that all of this is offered pro bono. Meaning, at no cost. Without payment. On the house. Put another way, it’s free! So you might be asking yourself, what’s the catch? Well, the catch is…there is no catch. “Pro bono” literally translates to “for the public good,” and Go Furthr is publicly-funded via The Department of trade, enterprise & employment under the NDP by Enterprise Ireland. The Irish government understands that what benefits Irish business owners in turn benefits all of Ireland.

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