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Pre-Seed Start Fund Workshop

28th March, 2024

This online workshop, hosted by Furthr will offer applicants a deeper understanding of the Pre-Seed Start Fund process and Enterprise Ireland’s requirements for a successful application.


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If you intend to apply to the Enterprise Ireland Pre-Seed Start Fund, this workshop is a must-attend event.

Date: Thursday 28th March 2024

Session : From 11:00 – 12:30

Location: Online using Zoom (link will be available upon booking)

Pre-Seed Start Fund – Overview:

The purpose of the Pre-Seed Start Fund is to accelerate the growth of early-stage start-up companies that have the capacity and ambition to succeed in global markets. Applicants can apply for €50,000 or €100,000 investment which is by way of a Convertible Loan Note (CLN).

Applicants should ideally be able to demonstrate the following:

Ideally (though not essential) have a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) or live in Beta and that the product or service has early demonstrable customer validation.

  1. fully articulated proposition addressing a clear opportunity with market research conducted with customers/potential customers.
  2. clear execution planoutlined, clearly identifying key milestones to be achieved such as identifying suitable channels to international markets or technical product development roadmap.
  3. Evidence of innovation, internationalisation potential and employment capacity, clear international market opportunity for the proposed product or service, clear knowledge of the international competitive landscape.
  4. team with experience, domain knowledge and balance of skills(Tech, Commercial, etc.) and commitment to execute on the plan.

For more information and to check eligibility criteria, check here

For further information on the support that Furthr offers, please check out our website.

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