Startup Funding

Need funding? We Can Help

Furthr has helped the most ambitious Irish entrepreneurs raise the capital they need to get their businesses up and running.  Over the years, we’ve assisted 500+ founders in raising a total of €500m+ million of start-up funding in Ireland. We can help you next.

Whether it’s through our  Investor network or Furthr’s own Venture Capital, we can help get your business funded. Give your start-up or scale-up the momentum it needs to go furthr, faster.

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Crowdfunding is a method of raising capital through the collective efforts of friends, family, customers, and individual investors. This approach leverages various platforms to present ideas or businesses to a wide array of people who might not have known about them otherwise. Now, let’s dig deeper into this within the context of Ireland.

Crowdfunding in Ireland can be categorised broadly into four types:

  • Donation-based Crowdfunding: This is commonly used by charities or for social causes. People donate money without expecting anything in return with the main motivation of the investor a sense of satisfaction and community.
  • Reward-based Crowdfunding: Here, backers receive a reward related to the project or cause they’re funding. This reward often takes shape as the product or service the company plans to offer.
  • Equity-based Crowdfunding: In this model, backers receive shares in the company they’re funding. It’s a chance for everyday people to invest in start-ups they believe in.
  • Debt-based Crowdfunding: Also known as peer-to-peer lending, here lenders receive their money back with interest.

*It’s important to note that each type has its own legal and financial implications. For instance, equity-based crowdfunding is subject to securities laws and regulations.

Platforms like Fund it, SeedUps Ireland,, and Linked Finance are popular choices for crowdfunding in Ireland. They have helped fund a diverse range of projects from tech start-ups to arts festivals, social initiatives to innovative products.

While crowdfunding offers numerous benefits like access to capital, validation of concept, marketing, and press attention, it also comes with its own set of challenges. These can include risk of failure, potential legal issues, and the pressure of delivering what’s promised to backers.

Before diving into a crowdfunding campaign in Ireland, it’s crucial to have a solid plan: craft a compelling story, create a robust marketing strategy, and have a clear understanding of the legal landscape. Engaging with a community of potential backers also plays a crucial role in the success of the campaign.

In summary, crowdfunding represents an exciting and increasingly popular method for raising funds and validating business ideas. Remember, as with any investment opportunity, it’s always prudent to do your due diligence before making any significant decisions.

Seed funding, also known as seed money or seed capital, is the initial funding that a startup or small business uses to get off the ground. Think of it like planting a seed in a garden. You need to nurture that seed with water and sunlight, right? Similarly, a startup needs to nourish its business idea with capital to grow and flourish.

The term “seed” suggests the early stage at which the investment is made. It’s often the first official equity funding stage, typically provided by angel investors (high net worth individuals) or friends and family. The funds are typically used to support market research, product development, or any other early-stage operations that help the business to take its initial steps.

Investors provide seed funding in exchange for an equity stake in the company. This means they’ll own part of your company and may have a say in how you run it. However, they’re taking a risk because while some startups blossom into successful companies, many don’t make it that far.

It’s important to remember that seed funding isn’t a one-size-fits-all scenario. The amount raised during this stage can vary drastically based on the industry, region, and ambitions of the startup. Some businesses may need only a few thousand euros to start, while others may require millions.

There’s also something called ‘Seed rounds’ which can be broken down further into different stages; pre-seed, seed, second seed, etc., each depending on how much has been raised and what milestones have been reached.

Applying for seed funding can be challenging as it requires a solid business plan, an innovative idea, and the ability to persuade investors that you and your team are capable of turning that idea into a successful business.

In conclusion, seed funding is the lifeblood for startups, helping them transition their ideas from prototypes into viable products. It’s a crucial stage in the startup journey, setting the foundation for all future funding rounds. While it involves a considerable amount of risk for both entrepreneurs and investors, the potential rewards can be immense.

In one sentence, Series A funding is one of the stages in the capital-raising process of a startup. Let’s break that down a bit further.

Before Series A funding, there’s usually a seed round of investment. This is when the startup is just getting off the ground – the idea is there, but they need some initial capital to start turning that idea into reality. This funding usually comes from the founders themselves, their friends and family, or angel investors (high-net-worth individuals who provide financial support for small startups or entrepreneurs).

If the startup survives this stage and has a product or service that’s starting to look promising, they’ll move onto Series A funding. This is where things start to get serious.

In Series A funding, startups are expected to present a strong business plan to potential investors. It’s no longer just about the idea, it’s about proving that this idea has a potential market, a scalable business model, and can generate revenue. The funds raised during this round are typically used for things like further product development, marketing, and expanding the team.

When it comes to investors, you’re usually looking at venture capital firms investing in Series A rounds. These firms are willing to take on more risk in exchange for potential high returns later on when the company grows or goes public.

The amount raised in a Series A can vary greatly. However, on average, a Series A round will aim to raise anywhere between €2 million to €15 million, but there are always outliers on either end of the spectrum.

One more thing: it’s called “Series A” because it’s typically the first time that company ownership is offered in exchange for investment. After Series A, if more funding is needed, the company would move onto Series B, C, D and so on.

In the world of startups, funding plays an essential role in determining the future success and scalability of a business. One key stage in this funding process is what we call Series B funding.

But first, a little background. Startups typically go through several rounds of funding as they grow. These are usually categorised as Seed funding (the initial capital used to start the business), Series A (used for optimising the product and market fit), Series B, and then Series C, D and so on, depending on the company’s needs.

So, coming back to Series B funding – this is usually the third round of financing for a startup. By this stage, the company has already proven its concept – its product or service has been well received by consumers and there’s a clearly defined user base. They’ve probably also ironed out any major kinks in their business model during the Series A round.

Series B funding is all about taking the business to the next level, beyond the development stage. Investors help startups get there by expanding market reach. The capital raised during this round often goes into bolstering the business structure, including everything from team expansion to sales and marketing efforts to even acquisitions if necessary.

As for who provides Series B funding, it’s typically a mix of venture capitalists, including both those who invested in the earlier rounds and new investors who are convinced about the startup’s potential for big returns.

Keep in mind that with each round of funding, startups typically have to give away a piece of their equity. So by the time they reach Series B, they’re usually trading a share of their company’s ownership for that much-needed cash infusion.

The amount raised during a Series B round can vary widely based on a variety of factors including industry norms, market conditions and the specific growth plans of the startup. However, generally speaking, Series B rounds tend to raise between €1 million and €10 million.

Remember, though, that while Series B is a significant milestone, it’s not the end of the journey. Startups may continue to Series C, D and beyond as they continue to scale and require more capital.

Equity funding refers to the process of raising capital through the sale of shares in an enterprise or business.

Imagine you’ve got a great business idea, like an innovative new tech gadget. But there’s a problem: you need money to get your idea off the ground. You’ve got to hire engineers, buy materials, and advertise your product. This is where equity funding comes in.

The word “equity” means “ownership”. When you start your business, you own everything – it’s 100% yours. But as you seek equity funding, you’re essentially selling pieces of your business to investors. These investors provide you with the capital you need to grow in exchange for a slice of your pie. If your business does well, they stand to make a profit proportionate to their share.

Now, why would a business opt for equity funding rather than, say, getting a loan from a bank? The significant advantage of equity funding is that there’s no obligation to repay the money if your business fails. This reduces risk on your part as an entrepreneur. Plus, investors often bring more than just cash to the table – they can offer valuable advice, industry connections, and credibility.

However, there’s also a downside. Remember that slice of pie I mentioned earlier? That means you’re giving up some control over your business. Depending on how much equity you give away, you might find yourself answering to investors who have a say in how things are run.

Equity funding can come from various sources, including angel investors, venture capitalists (firms that manage pooled investments), or even through crowdfunding platforms where many small investors can buy a stake in your company.

In conclusion, equity funding is a crucial financial tool for startups and growing businesses. It’s about balancing the need for growth capital against maintaining control over the strategic direction of the company. Like many things in business, it’s a trade-off, and the best approach varies depending on the specific circumstances of each enterprise.

Capital funding refers to the money that businesses, non-profit organizations, or individuals obtain to further their goals. It’s essentially the fuel that keeps the engine of your business running. Without it, it would be quite difficult to get your idea off the ground, let alone sustain it.

“Capital” refers to the resources a business needs to produce what it sells. This includes things like buildings, machinery, and equipment, but it also includes less tangible items like software or patents. “Funding” is the process through which a business obtains these resources.

Now, where does this money come from? Well, there are several sources. It could come from personal savings, friends and family, banks in the form of loans, investors who buy a stake in the business (think Dragons Den), or even through issuing stock to the public.

There are also different types of capital funding depending on what stage a business is in:

  • Seed Capital: This is typically used to bring an idea to life. It’s called “seed” capital because it helps plant the initial seed of a business.
  • Startup Capital: Once you’ve got an idea and perhaps a basic prototype or business plan, you’ll need startup capital to start operating.
  • Growth/Expansion Capital: After you’re up and running, you may need additional funds to expand your business, hire more employees, increase marketing efforts, etc.
  • Bridge Capital: Sometimes businesses need a little extra help between major rounds of funding. That’s where bridge capital comes in.

Each type of capital funding has its own challenges and opportunities. Knowing which is right for you requires careful analysis of your business plan and financial situation.

Please remember this: securing capital funding doesn’t mean you’ve suddenly struck gold. It’s a responsibility. It’s a pact between you and your investors that you’ll do everything in your power to grow the business and provide a return on their investment.

Pre-seed funding, as the name suggests, is an early stage of venture funding that startups seek before they go for a full seed funding round.

In the startup world, pre-seed funding is often the first financial injection a company receives. It’s typically aimed at supporting the startup in its very initial phase, where they might be developing their product, conducting market research, or refining their business plan.

The interesting thing about pre-seed funding is that it’s not necessarily about huge amounts of money. Instead, it’s usually a modest capital injection that helps entrepreneurs bring their business ideas to life.

Now, you might be wondering where this funding comes from. Well, pre-seed funding can come from a variety of sources including angel investors, friends and family, crowdfunding platforms, or early-stage investment firms. Some startups may even resort to bootstrapping (self-funding) during this phase.

One crucial thing to note is that pre-seed investors are often taking on a higher risk compared to later-stage investors. This is because the startup is in its very early stages with a greater chance of failure. However, the potential for high returns if the startup succeeds is also significant.

But why is pre-seed funding so important? Well, without it, many entrepreneurs would struggle to get their ideas off the ground. This funding allows them to build a minimal viable product (MVP), gather user feedback, and position themselves for further investment rounds.

It’s vital for startups to use pre-seed funding wisely though. The aim should be to reach significant milestones that would make the startup attractive for seed investors. This could be anything from securing key partnerships, gaining a certain number of users, or simply proving that their business model works.

In summary, pre-seed funding is the initial financial fuel for startups. It’s a critical step in the journey of a company, helping to transform a business idea into a reality. It may not be as glamorous as later funding rounds, but without it, many of the startups we know and love today probably wouldn’t exist.

Away from contacting Furthr?
Well, there are several ways you can approach this.

  • Bootstrapping: This is basically self-funding. It involves starting your business with your own savings or getting it to grow by reinvesting the earnings. It’s a great way to start because it allows you to maintain control of your business, but it does have its limits.
  • Friends and Family: Don’t discount the people around you. Often they can provide the initial capital needed to start the business. Be sure to treat these arrangements as formal business transactions – that keeps relationships and business separate.
  • Bank Loans: Traditional but still effective. Banks offer different types of loans tailored for businesses. The process can be lengthy and you’ll need a solid business plan, but it’s a tried and tested method.
  • Angel Investors: These are individuals with surplus cash willing to invest in promising businesses. Beyond capital, they also often provide mentoring and advice.
  • Venture Capital: Venture capitalists are professional groups that invest in businesses that have real potential. They usually invest against equity and exit when there is an IPO or acquisition.
  • Crowdfunding: This has become a popular way of raising funds where you post your project on a platform like Kickstarter or Indiegogo and individuals contribute to your project.
  • Business Incubators and Accelerators: Early stage businesses can consider Incubator and Accelerator programs as a funding option. Located in almost every major city, these programs assist hundreds of startup businesses every year.
  • Government Funding and Grants: In many countries, governments provide funding to help businesses get off the ground. Contact our Furthr team or Enterprise Ireland for the latest grants avaiable for your business.

Now, which one of these is the best for you? That depends on your business, your personal circumstances, and your goals. It’s also important to remember that these methods aren’t mutually exclusive. Many businesses use a combination of these to get the funding they need.

Remember, getting funding is just part of the journey. What you do with that funding can make or break your business. So, plan wisely and use your resources effectively. Contact the Furthr team above for more advice on funding.

Cloud computing has been nothing short of revolutionary for start-ups, especially those without access to large funding. It’s a competition leveler that allows them to compete with well-established businesses without breaking the bank. Here’s why:

  • Cost Efficiency: One of the primary benefits of using cloud services is the significant cost reduction. Start-ups often operate on tight budgets, and the cloud eliminates the need for substantial upfront investments in hardware, software, and on-site data centers. You essentially pay as you go and only for what you use.
  • Scalability: The cloud is incredibly scalable. As your start-up grows (which we all hope it does!), your IT needs will grow too. The beauty of the cloud is that you can easily adjust your services based on demand. It grows with you, which means you don’t have to predict future growth and potentially overspend on infrastructure.
  • Speed & Agility: Cloud services are typically fast to deploy, meaning start-ups can get their operations up and running quickly—crucial when time to market is key. In addition, the cloud provides flexibility and agility by allowing teams to work and collaborate from anywhere.
  • Security & Recovery: While no system is immune to security threats, reputable cloud service providers offer robust security measures that many start-ups may not otherwise afford. Additionally, data backup and recovery are typically included in cloud services, providing peace of mind in case of data loss.
  • Focus on Core Business: Lastly, by leveraging cloud services, start-ups can focus on what they do best: innovating and growing their core business. Let tech experts handle IT infrastructure while you concentrate on building your product or service and satisfying your customers.


In summary, adopting cloud services can be a real game-changer for start-ups lacking substantial funding. It offers them an affordable way to access cutting-edge technology and allows them to punch above their weight in today’s competitive marketplace. But of course, it’s crucial to choose a reliable cloud service provider and understand the potential risks and challenges involved. Furthr funding programs can assist on these decisions so feel free to get in touch.

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